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April 16 2006
Falcon Ti .22 Carbine / Predator Pellets...
I recieved a phone call from a local mushroom farmer to help him with his groundhog problem.
These guys like me, I'm quiet, quick and never cause any collateral damage to their propety.
In short, I killed 9 groundhogs this weekend using my mid-powered Falcon Ti Carbine shooting Predator pellets @ 750 fps. The Falcon Ti is without a doubt my go to lightweight accurate critter ridder. It's a quick pointing tack driver that delivers the goods in style IMO.
After going through my ritual shakedown on new pellets, I found the Predator pellets "not" to be just another gimmick deigned pellet to catch hunters.
The accuracy tests in my Falcon Ti showed excellent groups to the limit of my groundhog killing range to 50 yards. The devastating smack these pellets make are music to an airgun pest contollers ears when they connect with their intended target.
6 of the groundhogs I culled were done with neck shots as these seemed to work best with the Predators. The last three I connected squarely in the noggin. All were one shot kills which rarely happens when shooting large vermin of this size with an airgun.
Below is a photo of one I shot between the eyes at 35 yards (which also proves they do have excellent penetration). Most of these groundhogs were in the 20lb range. In the photo below you can see where this guys tail ripped in half when I tried to lift him up as he was that heavy.
I'm sticking with the Predators in my airgun for hunting.
[Resim Engellendi: http://www.predatorpellets.com/images/testimo…20060419_01.jpg]
[Resim Engellendi: http://www.predatorpellets.com/images/testimo…20060419_02.jpg]
March 26 2006 at 7:58 PM
work nice in my Falcon Ti.
I can tell you this, both pellets are made by JSB and both work well in my hunters. The smack factor (relatively non scientific test) is wickedly nasty with the Predators. Accuracy to 50 yards is excellent in my rig. Crows,rabbits and squirrels "freeze" quickly when zapped.
Now for that elusive groundhog......we'll have to see.
Expansion test after passing through birds at various velocities.... results. ..Wt 16 gr..
March 24 2006 at 4:47 PM Yrrah (Login Yrrah)
Response to I'd like to see some predator "mushrooms" to see expansion effectiveness.
These are results of experiments done to discover what terminal POI energy is required to expand Predators. In birds > 9 fpe will start expansion, say 500 fps at the bird POI with 0.22 Predators. Given their 0.022 BC that I measured, some expansion would be present to a little over 100 yards with a rifle shooting at 880 fps MV. At 92 yards such an MV would result in expansion to 0.275 inches. The closer the target the bigger the expansion to in the order of 0.30 inches at close in.
Repeat post content from year 2004:
"........A Benjamin 342 .22 was pumped to four pumps then five and then six and a fresh Myna installed for each shot through. 4 pumps = 494 fps / 8.7 fpe. 5 pumps = 527 fps / 9.8 fpe. 6 pumps = 556 fps / 11.0 fpe at point of impact as tested immediately after. The fourth Myna was shot with the Excalibre at 900+ fps at 29 fpe."
Pellets from left to right recovered from the wool pack: 4; 5; 6; pumps and the right hand pellet is from the Excalibre:
[Resim Engellendi: http://www.predatorpellets.com/images/testimo…20060329_01.jpg]
Here is another pic of the Excalibre pellet, centre, 6 pump pellet, left, and a fresh pellet right. The Excalibre pellet was 0.305" diameter, the 6 pump 11 fpe pellet is 0.275" widest:
[Resim Engellendi: http://www.predatorpellets.com/images/testimo…20060329_02.jpg]
So from this test it would appear that a POI energy of about 9.8 fpe would produce some 0.25" expansion; 11 fpe or 556 fps with these 16 grain pellets shows 0.25" x 0.275" expansion and, well you can see what big energy can do ( along with a chunk of meat carried to the wool ).
I have one other observation. The three expanded pellets were all at about the same place in the wool ( including the Excalibre shot ). The exception was the 4 pump lowest velocity non expansion shot which went somewhat further into the wool.
Hope I haven't upset anyone with this but rather than making guessed comment about pellet behavior I just like to see it as it is and , well, there it is .............Kind regards to all who've hung in with me and not been too judgemental about my experiments. I have learned a little more today .............. Yrrah." End quote.
There are many other experiments that I carried out but this is the one that will give you what you need to know to relate to any 0.22 rifle. Use Chairgun and plug in your rifle's MV, pellet weight = 16 grains, BC = 0.022. Then read down as far as 9 fpe or 500 fps in the relevant column and relate that to the range in column # 1 of the table.......... Hope this helps, Kind regards, Harry
[Resim Engellendi: http://www.predatorpellets.com/images/testimonials/test_todd.jpg] Tom,
Had a chance to try out your .177 ballistic tip on a small beaver last night that was damaging a trophy trout pond. I took 2 shots at about 10 yards. The first shot was fatal based on autopsy but the bugger was tearing up my trap set location so badly I had to end things quickly. I have attached photos of the beaver and the two pellets I retrieved during autopsy. They averaged about 95% weight retention which is great for the velocity.
I have copied my editor Bob of "Wildlife Control Technology" magazine to see if he might want me to write an article about these pellets' performance. [Resim Engellendi: http://www.predatorpellets.com/images/testimonials/test_todd2.jpg] The ballistic tip seems to start a hole in the hide allowing the pellet to enter, penetrate and expand inside the chest cavity. Best of all, they fly like a dart with no tumbling. ..(can't wait to try them on Fox and bobcat) Notice the rimrock in the back ground of the beaver photo, MUCHO good cat country!
Todd F. Lewis
Here is another beaver control job that was finished with your pellets. I did not do the autopsy on this one but 1 pellet did the trick when shot at the X mark deliniated by an imaginary line between the eyes and ears. Perfect performance once again! Cain't wait for regular fur season!......todd |
[Resim Engellendi: http://www.predatorpellets.com/images/testimonials/test_todd4.jpg] |
[Resim Engellendi: http://www.predatorpellets.com/images/testimonials/test_todd3.jpg] |
Sarasota Florida Armadillo News Update: 02/08/05
[Resim Engellendi: http://www.predatorpellets.com/images/armadillo01.jpg]
Well it took it took about 3-Months since the last attempt of the Armadillo's to invade my yard. A new sighting on the night of 01/08/05. I was in the house & I went out onto the porch (one story up), I looked down and there it was, an invader destroying my yard. I ran into the house, grabbed my trusty pellet rifle and my sure fire "Predator Pellets". I flew out the door onto the porch loading my rifle as I moved. My flashlight was under the rifle and I sighted him in...BANG!, he flew into the air about a good 18 inches and was mortally wounded ...oh yeah!!!!! Sucker was mine...I walked down the steps and gave the killing shot ...I also gave the wife the digital camera & the photo op she has been waiting for and here they are....(Photo Credits: Lynn Pepin). It is only 12:30am & I am happy..Why? Well if I didn't have Predator Pellets then the Armadillo's would still be digging up my yard...Listen up people!!!...If you want to get rid of any "Critters" in your yard then buy Predator Pellets they WORK!!!!!! Thanks again Thomas & Bonnie..as always I will use your pellets and E-mail you the details..
Sincerely, "The Armadillo Hunter"
Robert L. Pepin
I went out tonight to sight in my Benjamin 392 in .22 with your Predator pellets. I was shooting at small clays at about 50 yards when a jackrabbit ran behind where I had my targets set up! I held about 4" over him and touched off a shot. He INSTANTLY piled up! Before I could reach him, he had expired. It was a fast, humane kill. The pellet entered right above the shoulder blade, nicked the spine and came to a rest just under the skin on the opposite side (neck shot). I've only had kills that quick with head shots. I paced off the distance to where I had shot from.............61 LONG paces! The pellet only expanded slightly and was a little deformed at one side of the head (probably from where it had hit the spinal cord) - but considering the velocity at that distance, this was awesome performance! This is absolutely the BEST hunting pellet I have ever used. I am seriously looking at a Daystate Air Ranger in .25 caliber (80 ft lbs!). ***PLEASE*** offer this pellet in .25 caliber. I know all who shoot the mighty .25 would use nothing else to hunt with! This combo would be a 100+ yard rabbit eradicator and good on (I believe) coyotes to 50 yards. I am waiting before I purchase my Air Ranger to see if you will offer this pellet in that caliber. Pellets are limited in .25 caliber - I believe you can find a comfortable market for your pellets in .25. Most choose a .22 caliber BECAUSE of a wider pellet selection. Keep up the good work and let me know if you plan more calibers other than .177 and 22.
Mike - Reno, NV
My name is Sabino Sellitto and I am a professional guide and marksmen out of the states of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. I recently purchased 10 tins of Predator Polymer Tip Hollow Head Hunting Pellets .22 caliber. I must say these pellets are great. Accuracy and down range impact is a must for airgun hunting and these things really live up to their standards. Many of the customers which I have taken hunting are now converting to using your pellets because of their superb performance....
A Loyal customer
Sabino Sellitto
Just a note to let you know about your pellets. Normally when I shoot a bird there is a big cloud of feathers and the bird flops around for ever it seems, well this ended yesterday as the first round went at a bird instead of a target, no feathers, no flopping! If this keeps up I will be able to cut back on the every other day
car washes (bird droppings).
Robert Wright
Jackson Mo
These pellets are amazing. I have found no other pellets that have the awesome penetration and accuracy. They slice right through tough squirrel skins for a quick humane kill. I know I won't hunt with anything else!
Kyle Troeger
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